Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Alex's Guitar

I believe that it's really important for teenage boys to be continually involved in projects. They need to have some kind of an outlet, whether it's building an engine, sports, or even paper clip collecting. They just need a place for their brains to land whenever free time rears its ugly head. And so I try to be supportive whenever my son decides to do a project. His projects typically tend towards the creative side, which is good, because I can relate to them.

Enter electric guitar; purchased on Ebay, disappointing sound, shiny black and white coating, immediate desire to "flip" (sell to someone else at a profit) the instrument.

First off, Alex decides to re-string the guitar to make the sound better (sorry musicians, I'm not privy to guitar jargon). I'm okay with that until I learn that it will require money and power tools! Not having yet gained that kind of confidence in him leaves me a bit leery of allowing him to destroy something that already cost him a very large percentage of his income.

After he does a lot of Internet research, the task is accomplished, and my confidence is gained. It did actually sound better!

It isn't good enough, though, and he decides to sell the guitar to his buddy Chaz who promises and promises payment, until his dad puts an end to the all of the promising, and gets him his own project; a run down motorcycle (Chaz's dad and I see eye to eye on the project thing).

But, the sales opportunity has not passed Alex by. He announces that his friend from school is going to buy the guitar for $30. I figure he must be getting hard up for cash to let it go for $30, but who am I to judge, it's not my money! I question why he is removing the neck of the guitar and find out that the section won't be needed when his friend smashes the guitar on stage during some performance. (!!!) Okay, destruction is where I draw the line, and the control freak mama comes out and cancels the sale.

So the guitar sits...and waits...

A strange flicker comes into Alex's eyes. I can tell he's been surfing the net. He has a new idea for his guitar...He's going to tie dye it! This is when realization comes to me that it's good for a boy to have an obsession--er--uh--a project.

First, the sanding begins, then the hand hole drilling, then the puttying, and more sanding. And a little more sanding after that. Next comes the priming...and yes, more the the winter...hanging in the shower.

And finally collecting the supplies for the dying. The paints, Borax soap, a container large enough to submerge the guitar without touching any sides or the bottom, a plastic bag large enough to protect the container, and about a thousand gallons of water to float the paint on.

Drying time, then a lot of spray varnish. Oh, yes, and a little more spray varnish (in the the winter...hanging in the shower).

Alex puts the guitar back together and the results are actually really cool.

I'm not sure how the guitar sounds just now, but I will tell you that it looks pretty awesome hanging on his wall!

Next project: clean up the mess made from one end of the house to the other, and throughout the garage!

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