Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Election Drama

I'm not a very politically minded person. And I'm not very opinionated--until you come to issues of abortion and immorality and then I am adamant. Generally, I would like to just shut out the world and live in my little Idahoan bubble. Yet I know how irresponsible that is. So what is a person like me to do during a major election? I had pretty much given up on the election this year. I thought the race would be pretty close (unlike how it really was), and I felt a little guilt about my one tiny vote, but I hadn't taken the time to acquire an Idaho driver's license not to mention filling out a voter registration card (both the driver's ed manual and the registration card were tucked nicely in the bottom of the junk drawer). About two weeks ago, I heard that the time to register was quickly slipping by. When I realized it, the time was gone, and I thought I would have to kiss my God given right to vote goodbye. Sadly, I was somewhat okay with that. James also thought he was too late. On a whim he headed to the local voting office on voting day, and found out that in Idaho (at least in our county) you don't have to have a valid Idaho driver's license, you can register with any old photo ID on the day of the election!!! He voted and immediately called me and informed me that I could too!!!

Now, I'm not one who likes to have my schedule changed. I had planned to stay in and avoid TV and radio and make Christmas cards for The New West store. I had blocked out 2 and 1/2 precious hours just for that reason. But now I had to go and change my plans and vote! I also decided that I might as well take the opportunity to get my driver's license. Amazingly, timing was perfect and I was able to get it all done! I voted. And did my little vote count? Hummm. . . Was it worth all of the effort? . . . . All I can say is that I stayed up way too late last night getting more and more depressed watching the news. What is going to happen to our country now? My Idaho bubble is looking more and more comfortable each moment. At times like this, I have to turn to my faith in God. After all, He is in control, not men.

Book of Mormon
Ether 12:4 Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith . . .

1 comment:

  1. Prop 8 in California passed!!! I prayed hard for that one. I don't think Obama will be all bad. the economy is always better when we have a Democtratic president. I voted according to moral values, but I think McCain wasn't too perfect either.
