Sunday, November 09, 2008

Happy 17th Anniversary, Darling (Nov 8)

Yesterday, James and I celebrated our 17th anniversary! As you can see from this photo, a lot has changed since then, but some things still remain the same.
1. James got Lasik, and now I wear the glasses.
2. My hair is much shorter.
3. My waist line isn't quite so slim!
4. We were so blissfully naive then. Now we know all about the hard knocks of life!
5. Our lives have been enhanced by 5 little angels.
1. James' hair still looks great (like he's still 22)!
2. We are still madly in love--in fact, even more so!
3. He still brings me flowers.
4. We still like to have a lot of fun!
Being married is the BEST thing in the world! I'm so happy to have James in my life.
Yes, James, you truly are the very best thing that ever happened to me! I'm so glad you kept calling (stalking) me until I said yes! My heart is yours forever!


  1. And to think...I was there for that great day. David and I weren't even close to engaged, but we were there together even?!?! We are pretty glad you are married also!! Remember Sunny's Bunnies?? The gazebo that got put together between the wedding and the reception a few hours later?? What a great day.

  2. What a beautiful photo! :) Congratulations!! :)
