Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Zoo!

We love having people visit us, and so we were thrilled when we found out that the Caldwells would be able to stay with us for four days! They happened to come on the day of Policy Tech's annual office party. It was tickets to the zoo and a catered (by Bajio Mexican Restaurant) lunch at a park. I told Christie and the boys to come with us and crash the party! We had a lot of fun at the zoo. We blocked off 3 and 1/2 hours to be able to see the entire thing, but after an hour, we had hit the end of the zoo! It is very small. It was fun, though, because we didn't have to worry as much about the kids getting lost. Here are a few of the adventures we had.
My favorite species were these strange birds that we found nesting-- in the photo above.
Hannah loves her otters. I didn't get a good photo of them, so this is Hannah posing by their sign.
I love those lion head drinking fountains. Hunter thought he'd hop on for a ride.
Look at all of those little monkeys!
Alex and Cameron--Together Again!
The poor Old Camels.
James and Christie
Christie and me.
I love this picture that James got of Connor. You get to look into the mirror to see the "human species."
We had fun at the zoo and the best part was that we had to kill some time, so we introduced the Caldwells to shaved ice (my absolute favorite) with cream!
We cram-packed our partial week with Christie and the boys and had the greatest time going to the lake, park, zoo, and Rexburg. Come back soon!

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