Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rigby Lake

I love that Rigby has it's own little "lake." It is perfect in its distance from us. It has sandy shores that are trucked in from the dunes. It holds excess ground water and is filled in the spring, and drained in the fall, so it is free of sea weed and other mysterious things lurking below. It's just a fun place to hang with your family and friends!
Christie in her fab sunhat.
Chandler and Emily
This little stinker got lost for a little while. We were searching everywhere for him and finally found him on the other side of the beach. He had gone to the spot that our family hangs out in during pre-water visits for FHE. He was just playing in the sand.

Come. Visit. We'll go play at the lake!

1 comment:

  1. You are obviously the picture taker!! I laugh because I am rarely photographed either. At least we have some great photos of the kids and David. Thanks for hanging out with us today. We had such a great time!!
