Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

This year was so much fun! My kids are really starting to get the hang of this Mother's Day thing. I have a great husband who always spoils me on Mother's Day, but this year, the older kids especially tried to make it a special day.

James took the kids shopping all day yesterday (poor guy) except for Emily who stayed home with me to work on the garden (an amazing gift in itself). James searched high and low for the items he had been collecting on his list (he's so good and clever that way). Then he took the kids to his office to play Battlefield 1942. They didn't get home until around 8:30 which gave Emily and me lots of time to enjoy being together--a rarity! After slaving (and I do mean slaving) in the garden for about 4-5 hours, we rode our bikes into to town and got a hot dog and a shaved ice. We ate it outside, and I almost froze to death! Then we went home and watched Enchanted. It was so fun!

This morning, everyone got up early (except for Connor who was up half the night). They brought me breakfast in bed; cold toast and luke warm eggs over-easy and yummy, crunchy bacon and orange juice. I haven't decided if I'm in love with breakfast in bed yet, or not. This year it wasn't so bad. The food was my request. They didn't jump so much on the bed this year, and I wasn't too groggy when they came in ( I know I sound somewhat ungrateful, but I put on my happiest face and looked like I loved it). Then I started with their handmade cards and pictures. I LOVE getting these! Then the presents started pummeling me and I had to cover my toast and eggs! I was surprised by the DVD of the history of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I had forgotten about casually asking for it when I missed watching it on BYU TV a couple of weeks ago. Then I got two dozen Marigolds for my garden, YEAH! It helps keep the pests away, while looking pretty. James, later in the day, tried to throw some laundry into the basket, but missed and sheared off a few of the flowers heads! I also got a hoe and some knee pads to save me while pulling all of those weeds! Lastly, I grabbed a Bath and Body works bag and pulled out--not lotion--but a brand new pair of baby pink CROCS!!! My first pair. I'm so excited. They look like tiny ballet slippers. I actually wore them to church and they were so comfy!
The younger kids each gave me flower seed packets and a watering can card from primary--very cute, and I got a begonia from the ward and a rose from my team teacher in Sunday School. After church, I hadn't left the RS room yet, and a handicapped woman from the other ward came up to me (among all of the other 50 women with flowers) and said "I want a flower" I gave her my rose. She was SO happy. As I walked out, she had given it to the woman with her--could have been her mother. It warmed my heart a little.

The girls had run home before me, and they wouldn't let me come in the house. I promised I wouldn't look and they let me close my eyes and go to my room and cuddle in my bed until lunchtime (or luner as we call it on Sunday). Hunter came with me and showered me with kisses and snuggled with me until it was time. When it was finally ready, I had to close my eyes and sit at the table. I opened my eyes to a beautiful spread; a white table cloth with the nicest dishes and the table perfectly set! Hannah even told Emily not to put her elbows on the table! I wonder where she learned that! The best part was, the kitchen was clean! The food was amazing. I have never made a pot roast like that before! I told James that and he said that he had done everything totally differently than I do it! I didn't know whether to be offended or not, but I was so grateful to have a day off that I just feigned hurt, but smiled inside.

James and I called our mothers and took a wonderfully long nap. We didn't hear a peep from the children! They were all trying extra hard to be kind and sweet and quiet. When we awoke, we ate pie and ice cream! Then I got to read my book while everyone (but me) cleaned the kitchen again. We played a little Sorry, then James put everyone to bed! It was a perfect day!

So, I was thinking about what makes the perfect Mother's Day. I always feel a little guilty, as I think most moms do, on Mother's Day. I guess we wonder if we are worthy of such an honor. Those poems can get pretty sappy and hard to live up to! But, of course we deserve it! And I have come up with a plan to have the best Mother's Day ever:

1. Make sure you very subtly let everyone know exactly what you expect to happen on that day. Say things like, "oh, I love it when you . . . " My kids know I love peace, quiet, and clean.

2. Several weeks before the event start hinting about what you would like. You can even go as far as cutting out photos in magazine ads and putting them on the fridge. Kids are savvy, but make sure the hubby is keeping track. It may sound like it takes all of the romance out of the occasion, but in the end, everyone is happy.

3. Casually go grocery shopping a day or two ahead and conveniently have all of the ingredients needed for your favorite feast. Don't forget to mention it to the hubby, or even have the kids tell the hubby.

4. Pray you don't have PMS when you wake up Mother's Day morning. Then all of your planning will have been in vain.

5. Don't forget to be the world's best mother throughout the year to eliminate any guilt that might transpire the morning of.

My own dear Mother always gives me hope by saying how wonderful Mother's Day is when your children are grown up! I'm looking forward to that time, but for now I'm very happy with the fun and wonderful creations my little ones (and big ones) come up with, and very happy with the effort my husband takes to make the day so fabulous! All I can say is that it's a very good thing that Mother's Day comes before Father's Day!


  1. Yayy! I'm glad you had such an awesome day!!! And weekend! :) You rock!! :)

  2. I'm impressed James puts so much effort into Mother's Day. The good news is, David gets better each year!
