Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I wanted to take a moment to pay tribute to my mother and mother-in-law today.

I have been blessed to have a wonderfully caring and loving mother. My mom has been so supportive of me throughout my life. She is also supportive of my other 8 siblings and all they choose to do. She has so much love in her. I have never seen such a compassionate person in my life! Mom, thanks for being such an amazing example to me of Christ like love! I love you and I'm so glad you're my mom!

I am also blessed with a wonderful mother-in-law! How many people can say that? My MIL is also a very loving and supportive mother. She, too, has had 9 children! She supports each one of us and our children by attending each special event. She always gives love and encouragement. She did an amazing job of raising her sons to be excellent husbands and fathers. She has been such an example of faith and enduring. Miriam, thank you for being you and for being such a wonderful person! I love you and I'm so glad you're my mother-in-law!

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