Friday, March 07, 2008


Yeah, Alex! We've got our boy home and it feels so good! Alex Graduated on Leap Day. A day to remember. His ceremony was short, casual, and very nice. There are a lot of good people in that school! The guys in his room said a lot of nice things about him as well as his seminary teacher and school counselor. It warmed my heart how sad they all were to see him go.
There has been an adjustment period. We're trying to get him used to us and all of our family's rules, and we're trying to get used to having a teenage boy in the house! The TV, Game Cube, and computer time have dramatically increased! The other kids just kind of hang around him and whatever he's doing. Everyone is happy to have him home!
Welcome Home Alex!


  1. Wonderful news!! Welcome home, Alex!! :)

  2. Congratulations Alex! You da ... ummm ... You da young man! Yah! das right. Come down to Salt Lake. I'd love to go biking with you again.

  3. great job alex. we cant wait til u come back 4 a visit 2 virginia.

    Cat Bradshaw
    Jenessa Ransom
    All the YM/YW

  4. Great to see Alex home. Congratulations to all!
