Saturday, February 16, 2008

Dancing With the Stars

So, James and I were asked to participate in a dance for our upcoming stake activity. It will be a Night of Culture. Hunter will also be performing with a group of about 30 kindergartners! His group will be doing silly synchronized movements to famous classical composers. It is very cute! James and I had our first practice last night. We were told that we would be doing country waltzing. Well, being a huge Jane Austin fan, as well as just having come from Virginia (Old Town Williamsburg), I wrongly assumed that we would be doing English country waltzing! As we walked into the church gym, we immediately noticed that our instructor was wearing quite a large belt buckle and that he had on cowboy boots. I began doubting that I would get to wear a beautiful 18th century gown and that James would be in tights! Once the music began playing, I was confident that it would be Boots for us!

I also wrongly assumed that James and I would sweep each other off our feet, immediately moving with grace and poise. Okay, we weren't that bad, but the next 3 lessons will be imperative to our not making fools of ourselves in front of the entire stake!

It was a lot of fun and a little exercise. The best part was that we got to gaze into each other's eyes--when we weren't furiously counting to three and stepping on each other's toes! I could really tell that those College country dance lessons came in very handy for me. Although rusty, I was up to speed a little more than my partner. It is interesting what happens to your body when stepping back on one foot and being forcefully spun in the opposite direction! Don't worry, as of today, I have recovered nicely.

As for the Dancing with the Stars part, well, the only stars we'll be dancing with, are the ones overhead late at night!


  1. I must say that this is one of the very best blogs I've ever visited!



  2. Thank you Joshua, but I can't read anything in your blogs!

  3. Ooooh, I love country dancing! Josh and I actually took Western Swing together at Snow, and I have lots of fond memories of three stepping the night away together when we were dating.
    Josh has just informed me that we are going to be taking latin dancing classes, we'll see how it goes.

  4. I hope you are country music fans--otherwise, it is just painful! I personally am a fan, but have never converted David!!
