Wednesday, January 16, 2008

WHAT Tempurature?

I just had to mention this morning, that I sent my children to school in MINUS 3 degree weather! Thankfully, they keep the kids in for recess when it gets that cold!

Now, when does spring come to Idaho?


  1. Yikes!! That's REALLY cold!! Brr!!! And it's heading my way now! :)

  2. We're getting pretty tired of the snow here. We can't even enjoy it much as we are snowed in every Saturday and can't get up to the slopes. What a hard life--I know. Someday maybe we can put those season passes to use!

  3. We're looking at a wwhopping 4 degrees this morning here in Ogden, burr! But the sun came up over the mountains this morning and has turned all our fluffy snow into glitter. It's lovely. Still, what an adjustment after your Virginia years. Bundle up! :)
