Friday, January 11, 2008

Frozen in Christmas

Okay, well, we definitely didn't have this problem in VA!!! It is so frozen and snowy here, that I can't remove my Christmas decorations!!! My lights on my roof have icicles that are about 18 inches long! My urns that I bought to put my little trees in on my front porch are frozen to the porch! One of the trees is frozen in the pot. I tried to move it (rather forcefully) and broke the poor thing off it's base! I hope that I will be able to glue it, because I love those pots and they aren't cheap! It should have given me a clue when I was putting my candy canes in along my sidewalk when I had to hammer them into the ground because it had already frozen by Dec. 1. Now they are under two feet of snow! And, I'm sure there is no hope of getting the spikes to come out until late spring or maybe even summer!

Remember my last blog entry when I described how light and fluffy the snow is, so much so that you could sweep it off??? Well--I've learned a thing or two since then! Idaho can have a nasty ice storm that almost rivals Virginia! In fact, we had sleet along a stretch of rte 20 that caused 15 accidents within 15 miles! James had to drive home in that! Good thing he's a professional!

I decided that it would probably be smart to get the extra snow off of my sidewalk and driveway before the sleet hit us. I took a flat metal shovel to it. Let's just say that I wanted to strip my coat off in 20 degree weather, I was working up such a sweat! It was slow going and I only got about half of the driveway done before it hit! I was very proud of myself this morning when I saw that my work along with the ice melt made for some fairly clear sidewalks. My porch, on the other hand, is solid ice. It's not just a sheet of ice, it's more like a block of ice!

I am very grateful for the opportunity to burn a few calories, as well as build some muscle. It's been a good excuse to get a little closer to those New Year's resolutions! So I say, "Bring on the snow, sleet, rain, hail, etc, etc!!!"

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