Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Hunter got his cast off!

After 4 weeks, Hunter finally got his cast off. He cried more at the thoughts of getting it off than he did getting it on! He was so scared. The saw they use is amazing. It only cuts through the cast--not to the skin. I felt a little sheepish taking so many photos of the tech in action, until he said that he is in more scrapbooks than I could imagine! I felt free to let the shutter fly after that. When they pulled the pins out, it bled quite a bit. I was surprised. I also mistakenly thought that once the cast was off, he'd be back to normal! I was a little wrong. Hunter still hasn't straightened his arm after 4 days. He is using it a lot more now, though. It was a painful but very effective method of breaking thumbsucking!!! He only sucked his L thumb. He tried a time or two to suck the R one, but I guess it just wasn't the same. We're so glad that it's over!

Connor being empathetic.

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