Tuesday, September 18, 2007

21 day--day 4

Today was great--due to taking my B complex vitamins yesterday! I know it sounds hokey, but I promise they help you feel calmer!!! I want to learn more about vitamins during this 21 day challenge, because I know they are key to getting healthier. I watched a show on colon health last night. Boy, was that eye opening (and disgusting)! I don't know if I'm quite ready to take on that one yet. I'll stick with baby steps this time.

I love the inspiration I'm receiving from other challenge participants. It really motivates you when you have to be bloggly accountable!
I had so much fun playing soccer with my boys tonight. Boy, they really gave me a run for the money. It was difficult to keep up with them. It's a good thing they are only 3 and 6 :) (remember, baby steps).

I gave Hunter a bath tonight. It was so much fun with a full-arm cast. Needless to say, he won't be getting as many baths as he used to until the cast is off. He should be able to get the cast off and pins out in two weeks. Last night I doodled on it for him. I have been dying to get my pens on it since he got it. Now that his arm is not so sensitive, I'm taking full advantage! I've really had to hold back and not draw flowers and vines, though. He requested stars, fire, and fall leaves. A cast is a terrific blank canvas!

Look at that cutie! Those eyes melt me! I couldn't resist posting this pic of Connor!


  1. Beautiful entry! Interesting about the vitamins... smiles!

  2. Poor little fella. Your art is really pretty. xo nita

  3. Aw, now I gotta run to the store for some of those B vitamins!
    Connor's lucky to have fewer baths. Every young boy's dream!

  4. Sunny! I'm loving your journal, it was so nice to meet you at CE and glad I found you listed! Will be here every day to check on the journal. =)
