Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We're in the Boondocks!!!

On August 11, James and I took Alex to a fun place called the Boondocks. We had so much fun! Alex (who is now taller than James) and James hit the Arches climbing wall. I watched. I saw so many little kids just zoom up the wall. It didn't look that hard. Then a girl got on and half-way up had a panic attack and had to be pried off the wall. I thought that it may not be as easy as it looks! Later on, after winning at air hockey and creaming the boys at mini golf, I was feeling like a champ. I let James and Alex convince me to climb the wall!!! Well, I was ill-prepared in my Mary Jane's, but my jeans were stretchy, so I set out. About half way up I looked up to notice that I had climbed so far to the left that I was running out of holds. I started moving back to the right and my limbs began to shake. My poor old body hadn't had much physical workout since battling toilet scum with Jean back in VA! I was almost there. . . I could see the last hold that would let me ring that bell! I reached for it, but my burning muscles failed me, and I sailed to the ground (my favorite part). My legs, being like Jell-o, would not support me. I landed in a sitting position on the ground. Shakily I stood up and somehow got out of the belt and stumbled to the vending machine for some Gatorade. Normally, I can't stand the stuff, but my lungs were burning as though I had run a marathon! I felt like I would either pass out or throw up. I guzzled the Gatorade and had to sit for quite a while before I felt I could stand again! Luckily James and Alex were in line to go again (for the fourth time) so I had plenty of time to rest. WOW! I wonder how much easier it would be to do it if I were in shape!?! Someday I hope to find out!


  1. GREAT job on climbing the wall!!! I keep wondering if they would have had to peel me off! :)

    Alex taller than James?! Wow!! ... Perhaps James is shrinking in his old age... *BIG GRIN*
