Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Grandma Brenda with Hunter and Connor
Sunny and Hannah trail riding with Julie above Kamas


  1. Sunny, your kids are so adorbale, we had so much fun seeing you guys the other day. We can't wait to hang out again. I think Josh wants to come in a weeks or so while I am in Texas for my sister's wedding. I am so glad you are closer. What a cute family!!!

    LOVE Susanna

  2. Awesome! I love it! :) You are now in my bookmarks! I'm so glad we got to visit when you came thru - I'm glad you made it out there ok too - Love you!!! :)

  3. Don't you love spending time with family? It's so good for all of you! We'll come visit soon! Love-Audrey

  4. What a great picture! I miss the west! I miss YOU! Glad you're doing the blog, that will help us keep in touch.

    Love, Sheila

  5. I absolutely LOVE this picture of Hannah! (Sunny, you look good too)
