Thursday, August 30, 2007

Getting Ready to Go Back!

Emily and Hannah were quite nervous to start a new school year without knowing anyone, so we decided to have a Back-to-School party (I'll use any excuse to throw a party). I made the invitations, and on Sunday, we handed them out. We sent around about 13 invitations. Five people RSVP'd. Granted some of the invites were for sisters, we had no idea the response we'd receive! 18 girls attended the party! They just kept coming! Since we had only made 10 favors, we had to hurry and whip up several more! Everyone had a lot of fun at the party and the girls were able to make many new friends. This really helped make their transition much easier. The huge pencil cake was a big hit too!!!


  1. What a fun mom you are!!! Such a cute idea. How do the kids like school?

  2. I LOVE the cake! :) You are SO cool!!! :)
