Thursday, August 30, 2007


Hip, Hip, Hooray, They're back in school today! The kids were going stir crazy waiting for school to start. Finally last Thursday, it began. I was so excited for them, then I realized how early I had to get them off. Idaho schools are backwards as far as starting times go. Elementary school starts first at 7:55, then middle, jr. high, then lastly-high school. I also have a kindergartener who only goes half day. Needless to say, my day consists of getting kids to and from school all day long! I have very little time to run errands in between getting kids. I'm starting to get used to this, but I have been caught twice not picking up my kindergartner on time! In two years, I will have kids in 4 different schools! How on earth am I going to cope with that?
So, my schedule is this: Get up at 6AM. Scriptures and chores until hussling Hannah out the door at 7:35 to walk to the Jr. High to catch the bus to the middle school. Then Hunter and Emily scoot out the door at 7:45 to walk across to the Elementary school. Alex will head out shortly after that. Then I really have to pay attention to the clock because kindergarten ends at 10:50 (which I officially learned yesterday). I thought it ended at noon the first day! Then at 2:15 Emily wanders in. Then at 3:30 Hannah comes home. That alone is a lot for one mom to accomplish in a day. Then, of course, everyone is hungry when they get home, so we have snacks about 10 times in a day! I can see that I'm going to have to be very organized in my errands since it takes about 20 minutes to drive to Walmart. So much for Mom having her day to relax and spend with Connor! Oh, well, Connor will gradute soon (about 15 years) then I'll have time to play. Until then . . . bring on--school!

Connor is so excited to have Mommy all to himself!


  1. School, I can't even imagine. Sometimes I really look forward to the day that my kids are in school, but I never thought about all the dropping off and picking up. You are an amazing woman.

  2. That is a crazy schedule!!! I am in awe!! I hope it becomes easier as the weeks go by!
