AHHHH, Spring in Virginia . . . beautiful!
For some reason, Alex and Matt decided to shave their legs.
I can't believe that tomorrow it will be a week since I got back from Virginia. WOW! Time is flying by so quickly! I had a great time in Virginia. It felt like going home! It seemed like I had never left. It was so good seeing all of my friends. In fact, I attended book club one night just so I could see everyone, and after hugging them all, I started crying. I was just so overcome with emotion at seeing them. It was embarrassing, but I think they understood. I'm choking up now just recalling it. It's amazing how much can change in a mere 9 months. There were even major changes occurring while I was there! Two people had babies, two more are pregnant, two people are moving soon--Yay, Kathy is moving to UT!!! And whoa, Roxanna is moving to Japan (that unfolded while I was there) and she's pregnant! I'm sorry to say that three friend's fathers died. Kristen Fitz. got her mission call to Jakarta, Indonesia (I got it all on video!).
Spring was definitely in bloom in VA! It was so beautiful. But the weather was rainy and cold. I'm glad I packed for it. I didn't know if I was getting a cold or allergies, but I felt awful the last few days I was there. I had to cancel a couple of important visits and that made me sad. It turns out that it was a cold. I still have it a week later, and it doesn't seem to have improved any.
Me, just basking in the sunshine after James painted my nails.
In contrast to that beautiful spring weather in Va, we are in a wintry oasis here in ID. Yes, it snowed again. We got about 3-4 inches last night! We had a slight reprieve over the weekend with temps getting into the 60s. I thought I was in Heaven. On Sunday I sat outside for most of the afternoon. I figured it wouldn't last, so I took full advantage of it. We even took the kids to the park. It gives me hope to think forward to July and how nice and non-humid it will be here while the Virginians suffer in their humidity! (It seems like I'm constantly talking about the weather on this blog).
Back to reality! I didn't realize how much I missed my family until I got back. It was so good seeing them and cuddling with them again. It's fun to get away, but it's always nice to be back home!
So good to see you with familiar faces in familiar places!
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