Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I Conquered the Candy Bar Game

Today in mutual my Beehives were in charge of the group activity. They chose to play the Candy Bar Game.

I was the designated candy purchaser. I had a lot of fun today in Winco's candy bin aisle. I scooped up mini Twix bars, and bubble gum, and chocolate eyeballs, and a great assortment of other delectible treats weighing in at SEVEN POUNDS! I bought two enormous toffee Symphony bars just to make the game more interesting (it worked ;)

At the church, I dumped the entire contents into the middle of the gym floor, and the game began. The kids were going crazy! They passed the candy back and forth and filled and dumped their bags and fought over those Symphony bars like they were the last morsels of chocolate on the planet.

I watched.

I played.

I did not partake.

I feel a little cranky.

I'm sure tomorrow I will feel elated that I conquered the game by conquering my desire to eat all of that candy!

The end.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Sunny!!!! I would SO have caved in!! You are an amazing woman! :)
