Saturday, May 28, 2011

I Just Died of Embarrassment

It all happened at the end of a beautiful day.  The day my older brother got married.  Earlier Today.

When I was young, my brother had a best friend.  He was *the* hottest guy in the high school, and whenever he came over to my house, I would hide in my bedroom because I would get tongue tied just looking at his blond hair and beautiful blue eyes and I would get dreadfully, red facedly--embarrassed. 

That was over 25 years ago.

Apparently not much has changed.

I saw him first at the rehearsal dinner.  Yup, still pretty cute.  But I averted my eyes.  After all, I am married to one HOT guy myself.  I have no reason to look at him . . . and heaven forbid our eyes meet.  Blushing isn't very attractive when you're a 40ish, married young woman. 

I explained to my sisters how he was the cutest guy in the school and every girl drooled over him and that I would die if he knew that now.

The next day (today), there he was, not looking 5 minutes older than he did in high school, in a TUXEDO!  I went about my business, decorating the cake and managing my son, the ring bearer.  I avoided having to make conversation with him at all costs.

It was a beautiful ceremony and reception.  I admit that I got teary eyed seeing my big old brother up there swooning at this little girl he was marrying.  It was a thing of beauty seeing him so tender.

It was afterward during the clean-up when the event occurred.

Everyone was helping clean up the reception center.  We were untying sheer black sashes that were tied to silky white chair covers.  We would slip the chair covers up and off of the metal folding chairs.  Swoosh, swoosh.

I looked up and saw my sister that is a decade and a half younger than me.  She is beautiful even without makeup.  Everyone says we look like twins. 

I gave her a shining smile and a wink. 

She smiled back and gave me a little shimmy.

I sent her a BIG shimmy right back (and we are not twins in the shimmy department), but as my shoulder went back for that first shim, my head slightly turned and I noticed in slow mo, that Mr. Hot was swooshing a silky white chair cover off a chair at my same table.  He turned his head at that exact moment towards my "shimmy!"

His eyes (yes, still blue) got really big as he looked from me to my sister and asked, "What's this?"

I immediately apologized that he had to see that and felt every drop of blood in my body rush to my face.  "It's just a sister thing."  I lamely explained to him.

"It's no problem, no problem at all."  He replied with a big grin on his face.

Later that night, he confronted my little sis and asked when he was going to get to see her shimmy.

She gave him the tiniest shimmy and ducked her head and ran away--Red Faced and Embarrassed!


  1. Hahaha -- best story ever! I love it, too funny!

  2. Hee-hee! I feel your pain! Crazy how those high-school "crushes" stay with us over the years. But now I have to know one thing: Who was it - Who was it!!? ;) (You have to tell me!)

  3. Julie, You'll have to call me and I will tell you all about it!

  4. Awesome! I love it!! What a great story! :)

    Some guys are just really good looking, even when many years have passed! :)
