Sunday, March 13, 2011

Please Help Japan

I am stunned by what has happened to Japan.  It is heartbreaking looking at the devastating footage on the news.  It will be a long time before the people of Japan are back to normal, but we can help in our small ways.

(from NOAA, via Wired, used w/o permission)

"Image: A forecast for the tsunami caused by a magnitude-8.9 earthquake that struck off the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011. Heat-map colors show maximum tsunami height within the first 24 hours. (NOAA/PMEL/Center for Tsunami Research)"

Please pray.  Prayer will help dramatically!

 . . . and a little bit of cash from each of us. . .

The following was copied from MSNBC:

"Using your cell phone, you can text-message donations of $10 to the Red Cross. Text the letters REDCROSS to 90999 to make the $10 donation, or visit the organization's website."

It isn't much, but it is better than sitting in our cozy homes and doing nothing.

Thank you for your help!

1 comment:

  1. I don't watch tv, but have kept up with some of the media updates - wow! What an event! I came across this article this morning. Amazing... I hope it's ok to post it here, but I thought it went along with what you had written.

    My prayers are definitely with them all. It's not something that will be over quickly and I hope and pray they can continue to endure and feel of our love and prayers for them.
