Monday, March 21, 2011

Honey Milk Balls and the First Day of Spring

It was a crazy weekend to say the least!  With celebrating three birthdays, Alex's play; Much Ado About Nothing, and having two sets of visitors, me and my house are exhausted!  I have spent the day letting the house rest from being cleaned, and instead, crafting away. 
It has been lovely :)

I shamefully ate so much cake and frosting over the past week, that I went into sugar shock!  Today, I wanted to take it easy.  Have you ever noticed, though, that when your body gets used to the sugar, you crave it so much more?

I was really craving something sweet today, so I grabbed a piece of Orbit Sweetmint gum.  It helped a lot.  But then once my jaw got sore (I went to the dentist this morning) I got rid of the gum and BAM the sweet cravings came back.

My brain started doing a subconscious inventory of my kitchen.  There is still a huge batch of frosting pre-made and ready to go for Emily's upcoming birthday and some graham crackers in the cupboard!  Once I realized what my brain was trying to do, I stopped it immediately and tried to think of a healthier alternative.

Honey Milk Balls! 
They are sweet, nutritious, and YUMMY!  Did I mention that they are QUICK!  No baking necessary.  In fact, if you like to eat the cookie dough more than the cookies, like I do, then this one is for you!

See what YOU think!

Honey Milk Balls

1/2 C Honey (or the evil corn syrup)
1/2 C peanut butter
1 C dry powdered milk
1 C uncooked rolled oats (whole grain!) or 1/2 C graham cracker crumbs.

I like to warm the honey and peanut butter so it mixes more easily.  Combine all ingredients and knead (with your hands) until blended.  Shape into small balls.  Roll in coconut or chopped nuts, if desired.

Perfect for after school!

I couldn't be more overjoyed that SPRING has finally arrived!  And with it, the melting of snow.  I wish that I had taken a photo of my backyard everyday this past week.  On Monday, 1/4 of the ground could be seen.  Exactly one week later, I have a yard full of brownish--gold, matted looking grass and no snow!  My doggie also did some damage all winter long that will have to be cleaned up soon by the kids (evil laughter).

The Weekend's Activities:

Our friend, David and his daughter, Megan came to watch Alex's play.  James made an entire list of honey-do's that he and David could do together.  It was so nice of us to put him to work while he was here!  

Here they are fixing another kitchen drawer. 
 James and David took a drive around town and found some pretty hilarious small town signs.  Yes, our Subway has 8 foot long sandwiches.
 And don't forget a halibut float for dessert.
 My mom and I crashing after a vigorous game of "This is a serious and solemn occasion" taught to us by Megan.  Let's just say that our cheeks hurt from laughing!
 My dad decided to check on my Rainbow vacuum and took it apart to clean it and found that it was cracked and spent the next several hours(to my mom's dismay) fixing it.  I was a little frightened when I saw it in several pieces!!!
 The boys ripped the couch apart.  Exactly what I want them to do when I have a house full of company.
 Now that it's spring, maybe they can find something to do OUTSIDE!

Megan and Emily used the leftovers from Hannah's Masquerade and made themselves masks.  Beautiful!

Someone asked me if this is Alex's girlfriend IRL.  Well, no, he is JUST that convincing as an actor!
 I cannot believe how well they did on the play.  Each person had their lines expertly memorized!  Not one person needed a prompt either time I saw it.  They did just a fantastic job!

The cards I made.  It's like taking a little vacation for my mind :)

Today, I am grateful for Monday!  It was an amazingly exhausting yet wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to try those Honey Milk Balls, they sound yummy!, and Braden went with the young men last wednesday and watched the play, which he said was good! I wish I could have watched! That kiss does look very convincing :)
