Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One Sneaky Mama

Sometimes I am a genius.

I hid the chocolate chips in an Instant Potatoes can.  I knew no one but me would ever find them!

I was forced to this extreme level of deceit because the previous entire 72 ounce--Sam's Club--sized bag of morsels disappeared in about as many hours.

Not cool when Mom needs a chocolate fix . . . er . . .uh . . . I mean when a recipe calls for them, and they are GONE! 

I knew I'd been bamboozled when I peeked at the bag that was discreetly hidden in the tott can and found that 1/4 of the bag was GONE!

The culprit?  None other than DAD!  He told Hannah to search for them until she found them so that he could have some on his ice cream sundae!

They were hidden for a total of 15 minutes.

I also hid the raisins in the chocolate chip container.  How long do you think it will take them to consume these?

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