Friday, April 30, 2010

Men and Mother's Day Frames

The best gifts are gifts of love, and the guys that James works with know all about that!

I was invited to be a guest teacher for a brown bag forum for Mother's Day at James' office. I thought long and hard about the project the men would be creating and presenting to their wives on that delicate holiday. The project would need to be simple yet sophisticated and most importantly, fool proof and of course, cheap.

The plan was almost perfect . . . until I asked the men to pick an accent color for the flowers. I was hoping they would pick a color their wives would love such as a color found in the accents in their homes, or even their favorite color.
James warned me to limit them to a few good choices. But I had faith in the men. After the men came up with 25 different color choices including; peach, tan, sea green, mauve, 4 shades of blue, etc, I knew I should have listened to James. I mean, who wants TAN flowers? They were told to choose a color found in their homes. I guess they were looking at the walls or something! Silly Men!

Some of the men were very ambitious and made more than one frame. I was very impressed with how well they did. So were their wives! Way to impress, men!

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