Sunday, July 18, 2010


Yesterday we took Hunter, Connor and Hannah to see The Sorcerer's Apprentice. During the opening scene, I leaned over to Hannah and said, "Oh great, a zombie movie, the boys will freak out!" The movie ended and I looked over at Hunter who was standing in the row with his hands spread out in front of him creating the perfect ball of lightening. He chucked the lightening at the screen and then produced another and another. Then he looked over at me with wide eyes and a huge grin and told me that he loved the movie!

In the lobby he told me that he wants to have a Sorcerer's Apprentice party for his 11th birthday. He's really planning ahead, since he's only turning 9 next month!

As I was dozing off last night at around 1:30 am (gotta love summer bed time), Hunter staggered in saying he was dreaming of zombies. I was so groggy that I pulled him into my bed with me. After a while I came to my senses and sent him back to bed. He was back 5 min later.

I pulled him over me and into the center of the bed where he slept soundly the rest of the night. He woke up giggling to himself which startled me awake and I thought he was having zombie night mares again. I patted and shushed him back to sleep.

We were late for 9:00 am church again.

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