Thursday, July 08, 2010

Girl's Camp June 2010

I had a whole bunch of plans for the summer . . . but they changed once I was asked to be the assistant camp director for Girl’s Camp. Half of May and all of June became consumed with planning for camp. We took 6 Tues night activities and did crafts and practiced the skit for camp with the girls.

(The leaders. We had so much fun together!)

I loved working with the young women. Camp was a huge success!

More than half of my family went to camp. James came along to help set up tents, build fires, cook, and be a priesthood leader. Alex stayed home with Hunter and Connor and played Mr. Mom. He took the boys to their soccer practices and swimming lessons, made them beds on the living room couches, and never made them shower or change their clothes. Thank goodness they were able to wash off in the pool ;)

Highlights from camp were: Watching the skits (ours was really awesome), the theme: Be Loyal to the Royalty Within, spending time with the girls, testimony meeting, the beautiful hike, and the 100' slide.

(James had all of the girls in stitches)

It was amazing being out in God’s beautiful world. It was amazing being with the young women of our ward. I was blown away by their sheer goodness! It was amazing being with my incredible daughters (and Hubby) and watching them take on responsibilities.

Next year? Bring it on!

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