Friday, April 16, 2010

My Son, the Star

I never imagined how wonderful it would be to have a high schooler.
(Beauty and the Beast RHS--The set and costumes were A-mazing!)

I never imagined that seeing my son in a school play would thrill me so.
(Alex was a giant spoon, the book seller, a wolf, and a towns person)

I never imagined that watching a bunch of teenagers act out a play could give me goose bumps, make my eyes sting and cause a lump to form in my throat.
(and he was a goof ball who perfected the dry ice effect)

Alex was a bright, shining star on stage tonight, and my heart is swelled to twice its normal size.

Not even Broadway could have done Beauty and The Beast better (Proud Mom's are allowed to be a little biased).

I sat on the front row and for a moment remembered what it was like to have been on stage myself when I was his age, singing and acting my lungs out.

Tonight, for a moment, I relived high school.
And it was awesome.

(I was also told by Chip's character that I looked way too young to be Alex's mom!)

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to Alex and to you!! How awesome!! I wish I'd done that sort of thing when I was in high school. James did, but it never got to us girls for some reason, though I would have dearly loved it! Great pics too! :)
