Sunday, October 04, 2009

Hunter's Baptism September 5, 2009

My little Hunter was baptised today. What a sweet little boy. It amazes me that an eight year old child can be prepared to make such sacred covenants. Hunter though seemed to really understand what it meant to be baptised. He was so excited to get his sins washed away and become a member of the church!

It was the perfect day! The weather was gorgeous! We had family close to celebrate this special occasion with us. James' mom flew in from Indiana, and my parents and my brother and his sweet family drove up from UT. When I emailed my SIL, Susanna, and asked if they'd be coming, she said that they wouldn't miss it for the world. Family and friends truly are everything!

Our family was asked to provide the musical number for the stake baptism. It was a little intimidating thinking of singing in front of an entire chapel full of people considering our last performance as an entire family in the Spotsy ward (poking and hitting and a a couple of very crimson faces, and laughter from the ward)! We did a beautiful arrangement of the song Baptism.

It was a very low stress day, other than preparing for the music oh, yes, and that Hunter announced that morning that he wanted his big brother to baptise him in stead of his dad!

Alex was a very good sport and quickly learned what he would need to do.

Wow, only one left! They are growing like weeds!

They are so handsome! Little mini me.

Hunter and his George Grandparents

Hunter and Grandma Moore. We just love Grandma Moore for always being there to support our family during those special sacred moments.

Kitchen Helpers!!! Many hands make light work! We kept it simple by having hoagies! We also appreciate the Buskas for their support as well!
We love having our cousins here!
What a perfect and special weekend! Congratulations Hunter!


  1. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful pictures! I wish I could have been there. You have such an awesome and beautiful family! (Yup, tell James I said he's beautiful... lol!) Congrats to Hunter!!

  2. We loved being there for Hunter's baptism. The kids really haven't stopped talking it about it since. They are always asking me when they can get baprised like Hunter....three more years! Thanks for being such great family...we love you guys so much!
