Friday, September 11, 2009

Another Tooth on the Loose!

"Mom, can we have a Klondike bar?"

"No, not today.". . .

Question: What is the most traumatic part of letting Mom or Dad pull out your tooth? It's the blood, of course (We won't talk about the crunching and very loud ripping sound that comes from between your ears, inside of your mouth, nor will we mention the fact that an actual part of your body is being torn away)!

{warning: this update is NOT for the faint of heart}

A few months ago, while vacationing at the Atkisson's Heber house, Hunter was faced with the same dilemma that Connor was now facing; a tooth sooo wiggly, that food could not be comfortably consumed. Mom was consulted and a request was made (then quickly rescinded) to pull said tooth. Screams of terror ensued until Hunter and his tooth were rescued by Dad who had been abruptly awoken from a slumber, having no idea why his sweet child was being so abused, but ceasing the turmoil at once, none-the-less.

Hunter's experience ended just fine the next day when he, himself gave his tooth a little twist and popped it out.

But the memory of Hunter and his tooth was still fresh in Connor's mind.

He wanted to be brave.

He knew "out" was where his baby tooth should be. His "big boy" tooth was already peeking out with gleaming white, bumpy, jaggedness just behind the gangly--dangly one. The shiny coins that the Tooth Fairy would surly leave behind was also tipping the scale to call on Mom--Tooth Extractor Extraordinaire.

Could he really do it? And why does Mom get so giddy at the chance to pull some one's tooth? It's sickening!

After four children, Mom starts to get wise in the ways of pulling teeth. She now knows that white wash cloths are OUT and red ones are IN. She also knows that you only get one shot at it. If you don't get it on the first try, you can forget about it because the child will be too traumatized for a second go. Speaking in soothing tones as you would to a frightened animal is also wise {evil sniggering}.

And patience. Lots and lots of mind numbing patience.

Then in a matter of seconds, it's all over and there are smiles all around. Since there is no sight of blood, due to the nice red wash cloth, you can all quickly move on.

It's time for something cold.
"Yes!!! You were so brave, now you both can have a Klondike Bar!"
And the Tooth Fairy did not disappoint.
The End.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it!! :) I always let Michael pull the teeth. Somehow, the kids are ok with him helping, even though Michael always tells me he doesn't like it, but helps anyway. I'm not sure how it got started, but I don't mind. Yay for Connor!! Yay for ice cream! :)
