Monday, July 06, 2009

May 28, 2009 Last Day of School!

Hi, it's me--Mom Extraordinaire; cookie maker, pool filler, sunscreen swabber, corn dog server, temper diffuser, peace keeper, mess mopper, fun time organizer! That must mean that it's the LAST day of school, and a half day at that!!!

Bring on the summer!

We have an over-filled houseful of kids today, and it is so much fun! We are in the process of doing an entire summer's worth of activities in just an afternoon! The kids are in hyper mode and I'm just hoping I can keep up--especially after staying up way too late working on an over-the-top project for Hunter's 1st grade teacher: a 12 page 12X12 scrapbook chronicling her very first year as a teacher. I'm sure she'll treasure it forever ;) so that makes it worth it, right?

The kids and I agree; we are soooo happy not to see those dreaded homework folders for at least 12 weeks (enter: adrenaline and stamina). We'll see just how long it takes for us to be wishing and waiting for that inevitable first day of school to return.

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