Monday, July 06, 2009

May 15, 2009 Connor's Graduation

sniff--My baby just graduated from pre-school! This fall I will be entering a new phase of my life. I will have no more children left at home during the day. Well, not until after school, anyway. It is a bittersweet day. I have absolutely LOVED having my babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. I will miss it immensely, but I am so excited for the freedom that it will bring! Thankfully Kindergarten is only part-time. In fact, Connor will be gone only a couple more hours in Kindergarten than he was in preschool. I will be broken in gently!
Connor and Mrs. Thompson. She is the best teacher ever! I should know, she's my VT companion!

Daddy is so proud of his little Connor.

Check out that dumdum sucker boutonniere.

Connor, you're a winner!

Emily got a hold of the camera and took about a hundred shots just like this only making crazy faces.

...And Hannah, of course, was drawing the entire time :)

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