Monday, July 06, 2009

June 28, 2009 Kids Parade

At the end of June, Rigby goes into Patriotic Action with parades and programs galore! As like last year, we participated in the kid's parade. I mistakenly thought that the parade was the week before, so we got the kids all decked out and headed on our bikes with a bunch of neighbor kids to the meeting spot. Well, it turned out that we were the parade! It was a little embarrassing, but we got some good exercise out of it. It was also a good dress rehearsal except that we lost half of the costumes during the week.

After the parade, the children were able to hang out at the city park and get blasted by the fire trucks (it was way too cold for this and the kids that got soaked froze). Then they had fun games and face painting at the park.

Someone called our primary president and asked if we would host a game at the park. Being the party animal that I am, I volunteered the quickly went to family to find a game. The game we came up with was a popcorn relay. I had Hannah and Alex pop up a garbage bag full of popcorn and the kids had to attach paper cups to their shoes with rubber bands and race to the end and dump the popcorn into bins. It was great fun! Some kids ate the smashed popcorn on the ground and some kids smashed the cups. It would be a great game to do at a family reunion.

Whoops! Wrong day--lets have Popsicles!

Check out those parade contestants!

So, for the parade, they switched costumes, and we couldn't find the star cape.

Super Hunter!

Since all of the kids and their parents were in the parade, there were practically NO spectators!

I love face paint!

Cute Hunter!

The popcorn relay!

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