Monday, July 06, 2009

July 3-4, 2009

Phebe was so cut as she opened her presents. She is like the tiniest princess. What a cutie! She loved all of her presents and carried them in a beach bucket or wore them the entire time.

After the party, we put the little kids to bed and played an awesome game (which I won, of course, but I'm not gloating)Squint until midnight and then the adults went to a midnight movie; Transformers 2. It ended up being a very late night and we were all ornery the next day!

Phebe in her cape and crown from her favorite Aunt Sunny!

Awwww, a princess cake! Wow, Josh and I have something in common; we both decorate princess birthday cakes! Way to go Josh!

We spent less than $20 on fireworks, and it was worth it seeing my little brother act like a kid in a candy shop! He was more excited than the kids and that's saying a lot because they were VERY excited shrieking and screaming after each one!The next day I was dying for some creamery ice cream, so Josh and Susanna took us to Charlies. It was quite enjoyable!

Connor and you guessed it: bubble gum.

Hannah, caramel cup, and Emily, cookie dough.

Hunter and cookie dough.

James acting very grouchy eating his sundae.

Me? with what else? vanilla, of course. dipped in chocolate! It was the messiest cone I have ever eaten!
Everyone in front of the juke box.

1 comment:

  1. What fun! :) Nothing like good ice cream!
