Monday, July 20, 2009

Eager Reader

Hunter has been discovering the joys of reading this summer. He started with Pokemon, then moved to Magic Tree House, and is now reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! It has been fun catching him reading in his top bunk, on the couch, on top of his stuffed animals, everywhere. I was worried that he was a little young for Harry Potter, but he is doing really well for an almost 8 year old and comprehending most of what he is reading.

Alex was nine when he first got into Harry Potter. He had a Harry Potter Birthday party including a Chess Cake! This year, Hunter wants to have a Harry Potter party. We've come full circle! At least I've been there before, and know exactly what to do for the party!

Alex's 9th birthday cake.
My little bookworm!

He uses his wand as his bookmark. Now if I can just find all of that old Harry Potter stuff!
It's amazing how influential this book has been for Hunter. The other day he said "Mom, guess what! Magic is REAL!" I think he was reading the part when Harry had just discovered magic. I had to let him down easy. No Hunter, magic is not real..... He was okay with that.
But then dowel wands started popping up all over the house. Now the little boys are calling out curses to each other all day long. My visiting teachers even got a couple of killing curses hurled their way! My personal favorite is spelliarmicus! They make up the funniest words. Connor just goes along as though he totally knows what's going on.
Hunter has just entered a new world full of reading adventure! I can't wait to see where his reading will take him next!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Hunter!!!! Yay reading! Yay Harry Potter!!

    But most of all, Yay Hunter!!!! :)
