Thursday, May 28, 2009

Easter and Zoo With Josh's Family, April 12, 2009

After our whirlwind trip to Whitney's wedding, we woke up early and headed down to Logan to spend the weekend with my brother Josh and his family. We went to the little zoo while we were there.

Emily and Phebe. Little Twin hair dos.

Me and the boys.

Hunter is soooo afraid of heights even though he's safely on daddy's shoulders.

Connor's not afraid at all--at anything. (except spiders)

Look at those sweet blondies!

This crazy bird never put its wings down.

On Sunday after church we did the anual George Easter Candy hunt. They have the kids go outside and then the adults put treats all over the floor. It was great, and of course, they got way too much candy.

The Easter Bunny made these cute little finger puppets. They were a BIG hit with the kids and gave an alternative to candy!

We always love spending time with Josh and Susanna and the kids! They are sooo much fun!

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