Thursday, April 02, 2009

Road Show

Drum Roll Please......The Road show has come to town!

We had so much fun preparing for the roadshow. It was a family event. Everyone was in the show except Hannah--who has debilitating stage fright! She did help fill in with the "pipe band" during practice when they were short handed.

Our Stake's theme was Music Through the Decades, and our decade was the first; the 1890s. "Daisy Bell" was chosen as our song, and James and I were chosen to be Daisy Bell and her beau. They knew we would ham it up--and we did!

We were simulating an 1890s parade complete with waving flags in the back ground!

Alex was selected to be in the barbershop quartet. They sounded really good! I was excited that they convinced him to do it! It was a nod to James' youth when he was in a barbershop quartet directed by his dad.

Next came the dancers. Emily was involved in this part (see her in the front?). The girls did a cheer using the lyrics to the song.

Hunter and Connor dressed up in their best suspenders and bow ties and decorated their bikes for their role in the show. They were so cute! And they were really good little actors!

And here we are in all our glory! We had a great time. I fell in love with the dress that I wore. It happens to be an original Gunny Sax dress! I have yet to give it back to the owner!

The road show was a lot of fun. The wards came up with some fun skits! It's so much fun being a part of something like this, but it's always a relief when it's over and you can move on to the next big thing!


  1. You guys look so awesome!! Seeing Alex in the barbershop duds really brings back some memories!! :) You and James look FAB in your outfits!!

  2. I have now directed six roadshows. They are FUN but A LOT of work!!! Good job!
