Monday, April 06, 2009

Conference at the Heber House

When Connie and David invited us down to the Heber House to watch General Conference, how could we resist? Combining good friends, good food, a gorgeous house (with all of the amenities) and a change of pace for conference; we had to say YES! Even the 4 1/2 hour drive couldn't hold us back!

Dave Baker and his family joined us at the house. Dave, Alex, James, and David heading out for Priesthood session.
With 20 people in one house, you have to have some activities to keep the young-uns entertained! I brought some sugar cookies and frosting for the kids to decorate. Since most of them were girls--well, actually ALL of them were girls except for my 3 boys--they really got into the decorating. I have to admit though that the boys enjoyed it just as much as the girls! Meagan, looking more like a pro, decorating like crazy!

Little Chloe Baker was the youngest of the group, but managed to get the most frosting on her cookie!

Big Emily having fun!
Little Emily decorating like a maniac! She is so proud of her work!

I couldn't resist putting this second picture of Emily up for you, Connie. She is so adorable!

Connor with his sugar-crazed expression.
Ashlyn (who loves James) and her cookie.

And...what do you think the older kids were doing during the conference decorating?
Alex was napping (or faking it),
Connie and Kayla were making really cute bags,

...and later...Alex shows Kayla something interesting on one of his many electronic devices (they also stayed up with Emma B. until 3 am talking!,
Hannah and the older girls crocheted. Of course, I was sitting dutifully taking notes. It really was a wonderful conference! It's amazing to me how a change of scenery while watching conference can really help you focus and listen.

James and David, who were childhood best friends, got a little emotional at seeing their children playing together and having such a great time.
At the end of the last session, Hunter came to me and asked if I would help him pull his tooth. Each time I tried, he chickened out. I listened to him whine for over an hour. I told him that it had to be his choice, but he just couldn't handle it. Finally he leaned his head back and opened his mouth. I quickly reached in and grabbed the tooth. I significantly loosened it, but Hunter started screaming bloody murder and James who had been watching conference upstairs, ran to his rescue. He made me let go of Hunter and scowled at me for a while. His reaction was pretty funny to everyone who had been listening to Hunter for the previous hour! About two hours later, Hunter happily pulled his tooth out in the car on the way home!

We were able to stop and see my parents on the way home.

It was such a fun trip and we're looking forward to visiting the Atkissons again soon!


  1. What an awesome trip!! I remember David from years ago - it's tough imagining him with a family. :) I'm glad they have stayed close. It looks like a wonderful time! Yayy! Please tell Hunter that Aunt Sylve thinks he is SO brave!! It's no fun to have to have a tooth pulled! Big hugs to him!! :)

  2. This is perfect!! Thanks for taking pictures of my kids--I did a horrible job of that!! I wish I could copy and paste the whole entry to my blog!!
