Thursday, March 05, 2009

When Pre-Schoolers are Left Alone

Normally, I pride myself on how independent my children are. For instance, if I leave the house for a longish amount of time, let's say, like ,for a major grocery shopping trip, I have faith that their basic needs will be met . . . they will meet them themselves. Even the little boys are adept at PB&Js. But when I'm home, I just expect them to ask me for help--especially my pre-schooler.
Connor has always been a very independent child. He likes doing things for himself. So when he saw this awesome Disney camera offer on several boxes of cereal, he decided to cut out the tokens all by himself! He didn't realize that you are supposed to eat the cereal first (see the cut out holes under the R camera)!
Without opening the boxes, he carefully cut around the tokens. He also cut through the sealed cereal bag, exposing a mouse sized hole in each box.I followed a trail of cereal to the storage room and found about 15 boxes of cereal that had been opened or cut into. Connor also collected 5 lego race cars from several other boxes of cereal.
Connor was so proud of himself, that all I could do was laugh and grab the camera. We sat down together and filled out the form for the camera. We put in the tokens, sealed the envelope, and popped it into the mailbox. Now all he has to do is wait. That is the hardest part!
I think it was very resourceful for Connor to have done all of this by himself.
I don't know if I am ready for my "baby" to be growing up so fast. I'm realizing how quickly childhood passes and it's a great reminder for me to enjoy every single moment!

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