Monday, March 23, 2009

16 Candles March 16, 2009

Yummy Ice Cream Cake! A few days before Alex's 16th birthday, he told me that he didn't want anything spectacular done for his birthday. No party. No celebration. No decorations. I was sad, of course, because birthdays are my favorite things! Then Friday, before his birthday, he told me that he guessed I could do whatever I wanted for him on his birthday (gee, thanks). Oh, and by the way, can a couple of friends come over Friday night? I'm ALWAYS okay with his friends hanging out. It doesn't happen often enough! I told him that he'd have to help me clean up the basement, but other than that, no problem.

After school, Alex came through the door with his friend Brent on his heels. It was a happy surprise to see Brent, especially because I had already cleaned the basement! Later we were discussing what time we had to go to Road Show practice the next morning. We decided on 8:30 am. Brent piped up and said that he had to be home by 8:30 too! OH! I didn't realize it was a sleepover. Next came Chazz to the door with present in hand! Impromptu party? Well, although I wasn't able to be involved in the planning of the party, I'm glad Alex threw a last minute party for himself! I quickly threw together some junk food and baked up a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies, and they had a great time playing wii and Halo.
On the actual day of his birth, he had breakfast and presents in bed. That night, we met the Buskas and the Leggs at Craigo's for a pizza party. Sarah shares Alex's birthday! We thankfully had a private room. It ended up being chaos with kids running around the room screaming and yelling. Alex got up and left and went out to the van for some peace and quiet. Next, Hannah got up and left, then Hunter, holding his ears, begged to also be allowed to sit in the quiet van.
Alex's favorite present was his retro yellow tweed guitar case. He also got a watch that stopped working and shoes that were too small. Ah, the memories!
I tried my hardest to get Alex to go on his first date on his birthday, but alas, he is not ready to date!
Happy Birthday to my sweet 16 year old!


  1. wishing Alex a very Happy Birthday... the ice cream cake looked soooo good...I hope he enjoyed his day.

  2. Happy Birthday Alex! Wow! 16!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Most parents don't have to do any begging to get their kids to go on dates:) I'm surprised Alex is not a little more Johnny on the spot!! We are so excited about this weekend!!
