Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Teeny Tiny Snowman

We've been getting quite a bit of snow lately, and it's been very cold, so Connor came and asked me if I would help him build a snowman. I whined that it was too cold for me outside. He begged me to go upstairs with him, so I did, and I found this teeny, tiny snowman sitting on the kitchen table! Connor had been trying to put a baby carrot on it for his nose, but it was about as big as the snowman's head. It was really fun helping Connor find little things around the house to dress his snowman. His hat is made from a sock and the arms are grape stems. Mr. Tiny quickly began to melt in our warm house, so we set him outside on the front porch to give a cheery welcome to all who come by. Unfortunately, he didn't last long. Before we knew it, Mr. Tiny was nothing more than a soggy sock and a pile of miscellaneous junk.

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