Sunday, January 18, 2009


As per one of my 2009 resolutions, I've been collecting some really tender moments. One moment occurred tonight. It wasn't really a "camera" moment, but it warmed my heart. Hunter brought a note home from his primary teacher at church saying that Hunter promised to do something for his dad and that once he did it, to have me sign it and return it next Sunday for a cinnamon roll. So, tonight I helped him prepare breakfast for James for tomorrow morning. James has to work, and we don't have school and will be sleeping in (I hope). He prepared a bowl of Rice Krispies with a spoonful of sugar and a cup for some milk. Then he got a piece of paper and wrote James a letter. It was so precious watching him eagerly write this special note for his dad. He was so excited about giving service. I hope that those feelings will always stay with him.

The next moment I want to share occurred last night. Connor received a pink helium balloon at a birthday party he attended yesterday. Being a very sensitive soul, he became very attached to the balloon. He had me draw a happy face on one side and a sad face on the other. He then sang "If You Chance to Meet a Frown", turning the balloon back and forth. At bed time he wanted me to draw a sleepy face on the balloon. I told him we'd do it the next day. Earlier I had been reading a book about the earth's rotation around the sun. It was a little science moment. I guess that's why I made the very poor decision to explain to Connor the mysteries of helium. He wanted to put something on the balloon to keep it from floating, so it could stay asleep. I told him that in the night the helium would seep out of the balloon and it wouldn't be floating. He looked at me with a horrified expression! His eyes teared up and he began to sob. I immediately started back pedaling. I was hoping that I would avert morning tears by explaining what would happen to the balloon ahead of time. A big mistake! He continued to cry, so I patted his back to comfort him and left the room. A few minutes later, I heard uncontrollable sobbing. I felt terribly! I went back in the room and he was so distraught that he told me that he didn't want to look at it! I had to remove both his and Hunter's balloons and hide them in my closet. I kept telling him that it would be okay and it would still have air in it. He kept asking about the helium. Finally, I took him and put him in my bed with me. Once he calmed down, he was transferred back into his own bed. At 5 AM he came in and asked about his balloon. Thankfully, it was still floating in the top of my closet. I let him know and sent him back to bed. The first thing he said this morning was "is it still floating?" Sadly, it wasn't, but we did avoid morning tears do to painful preparation! He was able to find a new game for his balloon. He threw it up and I said "Look, it's coming back to you! It loves you!" He seemed to really like that! Oh, I don't look forward to girls breaking his heart! It's going to be so rough on him!

Connor is growing up so fast! He has decided that he doesn't need Mom's help with lunch anymore. He's been creating his own sandwiches. This one consisted of wheat bread, cheese slice, honey, and raspberry jam, and a spoonful of sugar (he must have inherited that sweet tooth from me). Sometimes he throws in some turkey slices. I don't know whether to be happy that he is so independent, or sad that my "baby" is growing up!
MMMmm Delicious, and nutritious?
Little Bear goes to the moon. Last Sunday, I was breaking down a box and getting ready to throw it away. Connor asked me if he could have it. The next time I saw him, he was wearing this box. Emily had taken the time to help him create this amazing space helmet! It immediately reminded me of the story Little Bear Goes to the Moon by Maurice Sendak. It is one of my all-time favorites and one that my mom read to me when I was a child. After helping Connor name his space helmet "Robot Red" (it's missing some letters here), we sat down and read the book. What a great moment!

For Preschool, Connor was learning about the letter M. His teacher told the kids that they could dress up like a monster. Connor didn't want to participate until I mentioned that he could be a scary lion! He looks like a very cute scary lion to me!
Remembering the moments has been my most rewarding resolution yet (and the easiest to keep)! Who cares about budgeting and getting fit when you can be filled with so many wonderful memories!

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