Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Christmas Hilights

It's really nice to have the holidays over with and be able to reflect upon the best moments of the season. We had many this year! On Christmas Eve, we carried on one of our traditions of acting out the Christmas story. After that, we threw out some reindeer food for Rudolph and his gang and sent the kids to bed. --side note--we had to make more reindeer food since Connor ATE the stuff he made in preschool!

Every Christmas morning, before the kids get to see their presents, we have them stack themselves up and "peek" around the corner for a photo shot. The bigger they get, the harder this is for them. Poor Alex gets so squished every time! The top photo is from 2007, the bottom is 2008. This year, Hunter woke up first, at 5 AM, and decided to be helpful by bringing all of James and my presents into our bedroom as well as our stockings. It was so sweet, but not sweet enough for us to get out of bed. We sent the poor boy back to bed until 8! We're so mean. I remember my mom and dad let us see our presents as early as we wanted.
2008 Christmas stack!

I betcha can't guess what was in this box! Hannah had a Twilight Christmas. She got the boxed set of books, two posters and the sound track!

After debating which hat to buy Alex, I settled on a different one, only to have to go back and get this one once Alex mentioned that he wanted it! Sheesh, the things we parents do!

Hunter and Connor didn't seem to notice that Santa forgot to bring a train for Connor and the Wii game Hunter requested, they were happy with their Avatar toys.

. . . And what Christmas would be complete without and new Wii? The Wii and Wii Play was for the whole family, and Alex received the GH World Tour.

Later on Christmas day, we had the Buska's over to alleviate some of the post Christmas hum drums, and the Leggs popped in and surprised us and joined us. We had sooo much fun and sooo many laughs! We ended up sending my girls to each of their houses to put the kids to bed while the adults stayed and watched a movie together. We watched Ken's favorite, CONGO, and laughed at it all the way through!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! A Christmas Stack! :) Poor Alex! Maybe that's how he gets so much taller and thinner - each year, he must submit to being on the bottom of the stack. ;)

    I remember when I was young, we'd all have to go down the stairs together, in order from oldest to youngest (what's up with that?!) - those were the days! I remember a picture I have that I may post on my blog. Fun!
