Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Strep Throat

We have now had three cases of strep throat in our house! Yikes! Hunter has had it twice; once about 6 weeks ago, then my mom took him to the Dr. the day I went in for surgery on the 13th because he got it again (How could that happen?), and Connor was just confirmed as having a very bad case of it!

I was suspicious when Connor woke up in the night saying that he had "spikes" in his throat. I hoped it would go away the next day, but it didn't. When we got to the Dr.'s office, he told the Dr. that he had "struck throat." I thought that was funny. I guess it's good because it can be treated by an antibiotic whereas a virus would just linger on for weeks.

We have miraculously avoided viruses so far this season. I have made it through fall without contracting laryngitis--an amazing feat for me. I was exposed, though (thanks Mom, hope you're feeling better), but I have been taking Airborn and vitamins this week. It will be nice to actually participate in the choir and maybe do an additional musical number if my voice keeps up!

Speaking of voices, Alex has started a long chain of choir performances. We were able to go to his rehearsal on Mon night. The director decided that since he had to call a rehearsal on Mon, that he would invite the families and call it Family Home Evening. It was really fun seeing the dynamics of the class and watching how the director interacts with the kids. It brought back SOOOO many wonderful memories. I loved being in choirs in high school and college. And I currently enjoy being in the ward choir. Maybe someday I'll make it to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! It got really hot in the choir room with all of those bodies, and one girl fainted. She fell right off the back of the bleachers! I didn't notice until a few people jumped up and ran to help her. One of those people happened to be the town's doctor. Everyone is connected here! Apparently she is in remission from cancer. She looked really awful, but like a trooper, she stayed at the rehearsal and sat in a chair. Alex is one of only two sophomores in the choir. He's one of the youngest members, but he seems to fit in very well.

Alex will be performing at Temple Square in Salt Lake City on Saturday, the 13th. If you are in the area, I'm sure he'd love to have you come! He'll be at Joseph Smith Memorial Bldg at 4 PM, the Assembly Hall at 5:30 PM, and the South Visitor's Center at 7 PM. It's the Rigby High School Choir, the Triolairs.

1 comment:

  1. Bummer on the strep throat! :( I sure hope the boys feel better very quickly!!

    COOL on Alex and the choir! You know me, LOVE singing!! Congrats to him! It sounds like it will be an awesome experience!! :)
