Saturday, December 20, 2008

Celebrating the Moments

One thing that I decided to do to alleviate some stress and find bits of joy this year, is to enjoy and celebrate the moments! Since doing this, I have found many of these moments--many more than I realized. I have grabbed the camera a few times to capture those moments, and now I'm feeling quite joyful. Here are the results! My little Christmas Connor Claus
Playing "Airplane" makes my kids soooo happy. They were also playing "Race Car" which is a game that James and his dad played when he was a little boy.

This was one of those rare moments when everyone was just taking time to play together. Everyone was happy!
This cute little Hunter present is filled with lots of love!
Have you ever seen a Santa-Pi-Rat? It's pretty weird!
Alex and his silly costumes keeps us in stitches!

Hope you are taking time to enjoy the little moments!


  1. Really looks like everyone was enjoying themselves... you have a beautiful family... Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas...

  2. Great photos!! :)
