Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm Home

I'm home from the hospital after a short 3-day 2-night stay. Thinking back, it is mostly a blur. Even still almost 4 days later, I'm still very groggy.

I had some complications, and had to be cut open. Other than that, I think it was standard. Healing will take a little longer than anticipated, but I'm already feeling better than anticipated.

My youngest three kids went home with Grandma, and for that, I am grateful. Although, walking past my little boys' rooms, I feel sad and lonely. They are happily getting spoiled at Grandma's house, and I'm sure they don't even miss me yet. They'll be home Tue night. It will give me a couple more days to recover.

I'll be signing off for now since I can barely keep my eyes open! I haven't been able to read more than two pages in a book before falling asleep. AHHH drugs! They are wonderful!

Thank you all for your prayers and phone calls. I'll be back to my old self soon.


  1. Thinking of you, Sunny! I didn't catch the "care package" in time, but I wanted to send you my love.

  2. Glad things went well. I hope you get feeling well enough to come down for Thanksgiving!

  3. I guess I was a little behind on blogging. I had no idea you were going into surgery. I hope the recovery goes better than the surgery.

  4. I know that I have not left msgs for you, but I wanted to wish you well in your recovery and to let you know we are praying for you! You have been on my mind a lot.

  5. Hey there Sunny. I know that I haven't left messages for you before (please forgive me) lol. I wanted to wish you a complete recovery. I hope you are all doing ok. I have been praying for you! Love ya - Have a great evening...

  6. Hoping you are well!
