Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Newspaper Hats

We got an unexpected package from Grandma Moore today, and we excitedly tore it open! I was excited to find a Pampered Chef Grilling Spatula, a napkin folding book, a stained glass window book, and some yummy wheat recipes (yeah! Thank you Grandma!).

The kids, who had about 10 friends over today, discovered the newspaper Grandma used to stuff the box to protect its contents. Hannah decided to entertain the kids and made a paper scalp cap out of the paper which she put on and then chased all of the kids around the house. After a little while, Connor came to me and asked me to make him a knight helmet, sword, and armour. His little friend, Aiden also wanted knight gear. One by one they all came begging for hats. I started making sailboat hats for the rest. They had such a great time running around with their newspaper attire. Who knew how excited they would be by Grandma Moore's wonderful gift? Way to go Grandma, you knew just what they would want!

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