Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Day of School

We have survived the first day of school! It was a little rough in places, but as of right now, all of the kids are in bed in preparation for day #2.

Despite my efforts at being organized, my grand flow chart schedule (mentioned before) caused more disappointment than help. Somehow I forgot to include bus numbers on it, so I ended up having to drive all of the kids to school since we didn't know what buses to put them on!

I stayed up way too late last night, so felt very groggy this morning. I feigned cheerfulness, however, and got everyone off without too much contention. I even sang Zippity Doo Dah as we drove along. It seems that everyone was a little on edge this morning, not knowing exactly how this day would play out.

Yesterday, I was so excited for the big send off, that I invited a couple of friends over for a celebratory breakfast after the kids left, but I felt so down in the dumps, that I called and cancelled. I then put myself back to bed. When I woke up, instead of feeling free and excited to tackle many new projects like I usually do on that first day back to school, I sadly sat on the couch and stared at the school across the street.

Could this really mean that I was sad to see my children leave? Am I getting to the point in my life that I can see the end coming more quickly? Does this mean that I really love my children? I felt like the Grinch when his heart grew two sizes. I just sat there, loving my children, and missing them. It was a good feeling.

After moping most of the day, I finally got moving and made the kids oatmeal raisin cookies, and Connor made them some mini-muffins. We wrote a welcome home message on the dry erase board, and by then it was time to welcome Hunter home. He was amazingly cheerful and chatted about his day. Emily popped in surprisingly soon after Hunter. She too had had a terrific day and told me all about it. We waited a long time for Alex and Hannah to get home. Apparently the buses were all messed up. They finally rolled in at 5pm right as I was backing out of the driveway to go and find them. They, too, were in high spirits, excited about their new year at school!

Tomorrow, the party is back on! I'm sure I'll be back to my old partying self; ready to tackle the entire house and any new project that may come my way!


  1. You better not have cancelled that party two days in a row!!

  2. Look at those good looking kids!!! I think only mom's can appreciate how great it is when the kids go back to school.
    I bet it's hard to see them grow up though, I'm still just trying to make it to kindergarten.
