Sunday, June 29, 2008


We joyfully cram-packed the last half of our week with friends and family. Since my parents and some of my siblings headed on a cruise for Alaska and left Josh and I and our families behind, we decided to have a celebration of our own. Josh and Susanna and the kids came up to spend a couple of days with us.
We went to the Riot Zone and let the kids play on inflatables on Fri.

Then had a picnic at the park while Hunter had his first soccer practice.
Yummy cupcakes. I agree with
Phebe, the frosting is the best part!

Hunter's uniform is so bright, you gotta wear shades!
On Saturday, we decorated the wagon and bikes and the kids got to be in the local parade. They were all so cute and really enjoyed being in the parade. Connor asked how he was going to be able to throw candy while he had his hands on the steering wheel! It would have been impossible coordination for him. As it was, he ran over my feet several times! Crazy Driver! Keep both hands and both feet on the bike! Luke and Liam sat so still in the wagon waving their little flags. They were so cute.
After the parade, we had Popsicles at the park. Ahhh, Popsicles are so good after all that hard work of pulling the wagon through the streets of Rigby!
Yes, even Superman got in on the fun of the parade!

After the parade, we just hung out at the house and played in the pool and on the tramp.
I gave Phebe her birthday present, one that brought me so much joy to give her! I made her a white tutu and bought her all of the princess loot to go with it! It's so much fun having a baby girl to spoil again! She makes the sweetest little princess.

I love that Josh and Susanna are so close to us now. We love being with them. It is wonderful that my kids can get to know their cousins! What a fun whirlwind of a weekend!


  1. Hunter, Dude! LOVE your cool outfit!! :)

    So many awesome things going on! I'm excited to get to visit for a bit - it's almost here! :)

    Love ya!!

  2. You and Josh have the most adorable kids! I hope my kids get the cute gene too. Thank you for the list! I love lists and yours was a great one. Mikes family has so much research that needs to be done. I could start on that. I gave my mom your blog address because she lost it. She was so excited. She looked at it while she was on the phone with me and giggled and laughed the whole time. She just loves you! Thank you for the emails and the new blogs. I love them.
    Love Amber
