Monday, March 24, 2008

Emily's Day!

Happy Birthday Monkey Girl!
Hot Tub Party!!!
Make a Wish!

Happy Birthday to my little monkey, Emily! And Hallelujah, it's finally over! I'm going to drop tonight after all of the festivities of the last week and a half! It was a lot of fun. Emily wanted a monkey party. So basically, we just let her and a couple of friends act like monkeys, threw in a few crafts, and a super easy to make monkey cake, and we had nearly total success--other than a little sisterly jealousy. The highlight of the party was the hot tub--empty-- filled with a Love Sac--balloons and a half a dozen girls. Never before (nor hopefully again) have I heard such squeals and laughter! Thankfully, the hot tub room has a sliding glass door! I just shut the door and watched from the kitchen!

Emily, My wish for you is to find JOY in all things in your life! I love you!


  1. Yayy for such a fun birthday! Happy Birthday Em! :)

    Hopefully you get loads of time to rest up from all the craziness, Sunny! :) Great job on the great parties!

  2. That is a seriously AMAZING monkey cake. I would never even attempt such a feat!!
