Monday, February 11, 2008


I am feeling extreme gratitude tonight as I shakily recall the events of today. Hunter came home from school as happy and chipper as ever and exclaimed that he had been hit by a car on the way to school, but that he was okay and that I didn't need to worry. I yelled WHAT??? And probably scared the poor kid to death. I tried very hard to get the story out of him, but he must have felt in some way that it was his fault, because he didn't want to tell me. Once I calmed down, I was able to get a general idea of what happened.

Hunter and Emily generally walk across the street to the school together. Sometimes they take a short cut and walk straight across the street instead of walking half a block to the cross walk. This is very dangerous because we literally live across the street and there are cars everywhere. Whenever they walk out the door, I tell them to watch the cars and cross only at the cross walk. Then I watch them until they reach the sidewalk on the other side of the road. The principal is usually standing close by on the sidewalk. This morning all was different. Hunter ended up leaving before Emily because he hates to be tardy, and Emily was running very late. I was rushing around helping Emily with her hair when Hunter slipped out the door. I had to catch him on the porch for a goodbye kiss. He left, and I proceeded to help Emily. I wasn't watching Hunter when he was crossing the road. This could have been the most tragic moment of our lives!

Apparently, and according to Hunter, he was walking in the crosswalk about 10 feet from the sidewalk when a car bumped into him and knocked him down. He flew a few feet and landed on his arm that he broke in Sept. The lady got out and asked if he was okay. Hunter jumped up and said he was okay and ran off to the school. The lady drove off. For some reason, the principal was not standing in his usual spot.

By this time, I'm shaking and sick to my stomach. I immediately called the school and asked for the principal. I didn't realize that I should have called the police and taken Hunter to the Dr. for an evaluation. I was already stressed and in a hurry because 15 min after he got home, I had to leave for IF to take Emily to a Dr's apt. The principal told me that the accident had been seen by a bus driver and reported to him, however it was unknown to whom it happened. He had gone from class to class asking if anyone had been hit by a car. Neither Emily nor Hunter remember hearing an announcement. The principal told me that he'd call the police and make a report. I didn't think I needed to at that point. Once home from IF, I got a message from an officer on my machine. When I called him back, he asked me why I hadn't called to make a report, and if I had taken him to the doctor. Boy, I felt like such a bad parent!!!
Hunter's elbow is sore, especially when he puts pressure on it. He hasn't complained about any soreness where the car hit him. Interestingly, he didn't understand what I was asking him when I was trying to find out where he was hit. I wanted him to show me on his body, but he kept touching the ground. Like--I was hit onto the ground, Mom! Finally, he touched his feet and ran his hand up to his head, meaning that the car hit his entire side of his body! I'm sure his big, bulky down coat and hood, which he fastens all the way up, helped to save him!

I can't tell you how grateful I am for that little guy. Hunter has always been a very sweet and easy child. It would be so difficult to lose him. I am just in awe that he is okay! I know for a fact that Hunter had his guardian angel with him today! And I know he did because of Connor's constant prayers to keep our family safe! I know that tonight, many prayers of gratitude will be sent upward from our family!

Now, the person who hit him??? I would hate to be that person when the police knock on her door! I don't know all of the details of what happened, but I'm sure it was an accident and that she was sickened when she knew she had hit a little kindergartener. I don't feel any anger toward her, only sorrow. It would be difficult to lose a child, but oh, how painful it would be to have caused it!

I find myself just shaking my head and feeling so emotional. I am so grateful to have been able to attend the dedicaion of the new Rexburg temple last night. It gives me great comfort to know that our family is sealed forever. Someone spoke of losing a child and the comfort they have of knowing that, although difficult in this life, they would get to spend eternity with thier daughter. I feel the same way.

Life is precious, Life is fragile, and we must handle it with PRAYER!


  1. Oh, I am so glad he is ok!!!!!!!! What a scary experience!!

    You are not a bad parent at all - I don't know that I would have thought of that either. I'd have been stuck in panic and gratitude!

    Give him a big hug from Aunt Sylve! You get one too!! :)

  2. Scary!! What a blessing he's fine!
